USA: Alaska

Current Status

New incorporations expecteddailyCurrent statusgreen
Company updates expecteddailyCurrent statusgreen


Data last updatedOctober 26 2024
RegionAmericas > North America
NameWorld > Americas > North America
ISO Jurisdiction Codeus_ak


  • Insights
  • Core Attributes
  • Extended Attributes
# Companies198,943Number of registered companies per jurisdiction
# Officers716,991Number of officers per jurisdiction
Registered Address Count178,821Number of registered address per jurisdiction
Registered Address Fill Rate89.89%Number of registered address per jurisdiction as a percentage of total companies
Name100.00%Full Legal Name
Company Number100.00%Officer company registration number
Company Type99.39%Type of entity (as described by the company register)
Status99.80%Current status (as described by the company register)
Alternative Names0.68%Alternative name (such as trading name, abbreviation, or legal name in another language)
Incorporation Date99.42%Date the company was officially registered
Industry Codes0.00%Industrial classifications, including code scheme and code number, for example NACE or NAICS codes.
Company known to be a branch35.53%A flag that specifically identifies foreign branches (local registration of a company incorporated in a different jurisdiction) or not
Accounts Statement0.00%
Acquisition Relationship0.00%
Address Delegate0.07%
Agents (Total)126,495
Alternate Registration0.00%
Alternative Name0.68%
Approved Government Supplier0.77%
Branch Relationship24.91%
Control Statement0.00%
Current Status99.80%
Filing Delegate0.00%
Financial Payment0.00%
Financial Transaction0.00%
Gazette Notice0.00%
Home Company18.42%
Identifier Delegate Inactive0.11%
Is NonProfit8.50%
Is Ultimate Controlling Company0.14%
Number Of Employees0.00%
Official Journal Notice0.00%
Official Register Entry0.02%
Previous Names3.49%
Public Statement0.00%
Register Entry0.00%
Share Parcel41.99%
Subsequent Registration0.00%
Subsidiary Relationship0.11%
Supplier Relationship0.00%
Tax Number0.01%
Telephone Number0.32%
Total Shares0.00%
Trademark Registration0.45%
UK Gazette Notice0.00%
UK Health Safety Notice0.00%
Ultimate Beneficial Owners0.00%
Ultimate Controlling Company0.62%

Updated on May 3, 2023
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