USA: Kansas

Current Status

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Data last updatedSeptember 25 2024
RegionAmericas > North America
NameWorld > Americas > North America
ISO Jurisdiction Codeus_ks


  • Insights
  • Core Attributes
  • Extended Attributes
# Companies805,617Number of registered companies per jurisdiction
# Officers765,542Number of officers per jurisdiction
Registered Address Count781,320Number of registered address per jurisdiction
Registered Address Fill Rate96.98%Number of registered address per jurisdiction as a percentage of total companies
Name100.00%Full Legal Name
Company Number100.00%Officer company registration number
Company Type99.99%Type of entity (as described by the company register)
Status100.00%Current status (as described by the company register)
Alternative Names0.00%Alternative name (such as trading name, abbreviation, or legal name in another language)
Incorporation Date99.99%Date the company was officially registered
Industry Codes0.00%Industrial classifications, including code scheme and code number, for example NACE or NAICS codes.
Company known to be a branch17.96%A flag that specifically identifies foreign branches (local registration of a company incorporated in a different jurisdiction) or not
Accounts Statement0.00%
Acquisition Relationship0.00%
Address Delegate0.07%
Agents (Total)765,542
Alternate Registration0.00%
Alternative Name0.00%
Approved Government Supplier0.02%
Branch Relationship22.34%
Control Statement0.00%
Current Status100.00%
Filing Delegate0.00%
Financial Payment0.00%
Financial Transaction0.00%
Gazette Notice0.00%
Home Company15.39%
Identifier Delegate Inactive0.06%
Is NonProfit9.01%
Is Ultimate Controlling Company0.10%
Number Of Employees0.00%
Official Journal Notice0.00%
Official Register Entry0.04%
Previous Names7.03%
Public Statement0.00%
Register Entry0.00%
Share Parcel0.00%
Subsequent Registration0.00%
Subsidiary Relationship0.14%
Supplier Relationship0.00%
Tax Number0.00%
Telephone Number0.08%
Total Shares0.00%
Trademark Registration0.55%
UK Gazette Notice0.00%
UK Health Safety Notice0.00%
Ultimate Beneficial Owners0.00%
Ultimate Controlling Company0.28%

Kansas Company Number Migration – September 2024

What Changed at Kansas SoS? 

The Kansas SoS removed leading zeros from their Business IDs (which OpenCorporates use as “Company Number”), meaning if a company previously showed as “0000026” on the SoS website now just shows as “26”.

What has OpenCorporates Changed? 

In response, OpenCorporates has performed a company number migration updating all Kansas Legal Entity Company Numbers; so in the example above, we will show “company_number = 26” and “previous_company_numbers = 0000026”.

What you need to do – API customers?

If you are an API customer, you will see the old and new company numbers in the appropriate field and, most likely, would not need to take further action.

What you need to do – Bulk customers?

If you are a bulk customer, you would need to update your company dataset for Kansas to avoid loading duplicate companies. We have provided a “bridge” file linking old and new company numbers that you can access <HERE>

Updated on September 19, 2024
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