The OpenCorporates company endpoint (GET companies/:jurisdictions_code/:company_number) allows you to retrieve richer information that is found in our basic search endpoint. Using information from the search allows you to build a specific request to access richer company information, that can then be used in turn to go deeper into things like filings or officers.
GET companies/:jurisdiction_code/:company_number
Requests to this endpoint require the jurisdiction code e.g. gb, us_ny etc and the company number, both of which can either be sourced from the search results if unknown.
The following code examples demonstrate how to call the endpoint to retrieve a single company.
Further API documentation can be found here.
Using a company number and jurisdiction code from our prior example:
Example data appended to the URL (along with the api_token: Company Number: 07444723 Jurisdiction Code: gb
curl ""
// Requires const OCUtils = require('./ocutil.js'); // OC Utilities const jp = require('jsonpath'); // JSONPath const { exit } = require('process'); // Set http request options const options = { hostname: '', port: 443, path: '/v0.4/companies/{jurisdiction_code}/{company_number}', method: 'GET', headers : {'Content-Type' : 'application/json'} }; // Check our command line has enough information to continue var requiredCommandLineArguments = ["jurisdiction_code", "company_number", "api_token" ]; //If not, explain what is needed on the command line if(!OCUtils.isCommandLineComplete(requiredCommandLineArguments)){ console.log("Required Arguments:") console.log("--api_token your API Token") console.log("--company_number the company # you wish to request") console.log("--jurisdiction_code the jurisidiction code you are pulling from.") console.log("") process.exit(1); }else{ // Fetch the command line arguments var commandLineArguments = OCUtils.getCommandLineArguments(requiredCommandLineArguments); // Append command line arguments as URL parameters onto the request URL options.path = OCUtils.addURLParameter(options.path, "api_token", commandLineArguments.get("api_token"), false); options.path = OCUtils.replaceURLString(options.path, "company_number", commandLineArguments.get("company_number")); options.path = OCUtils.replaceURLString(options.path, "jurisdiction_code", commandLineArguments.get("jurisdiction_code")); // Little bit of debug to explain what we have called. console.log("Company Number: '%s'", commandLineArguments.get("company_number")); console.log("Company Jurisdiction Code: '%s'", commandLineArguments.get("jurisdiction_code")); console.log("Using API Key: %s", commandLineArguments.get("api_token")); console.log("Request URL: %s%s%s", (options["port"] == 443 ? "https://":"http://"), options["hostname"], options["path"], ); // Make the request to the OC endpoint to search companies OCUtils.makeOCRequest(options, function(statusCode, payload){ // console.log(JSON.stringify(payload)); //Use JSONPath to pull each of the companies. { console.log(""); //Copmany Basics var companies = jp.query(payload, "$"); console.log("Company Details"); console.table(companies, ["company_number", "name", "jurisdiction_code", "opencorporates_url", "incorporation_date", ]); } { //Officers console.log(""); console.log("Company Officers"); var officers = jp.query(payload, "$"); console.table(officers, ["id", "name", "nationality", "occupation", "start_date", "end_date"]); } { //Ownership console.log(""); console.log("Company Beneficial Owners"); var officers = jp.query(payload, "$"); console.table(officers, ["name", "opencorporates_url"]); } { //Filings console.log(""); console.log("Company Filings"); var officers = jp.query(payload, "$"); console.table(officers, ["id", "title", "date"]); } console.log(""); }); }
The NodeJS example uses console.table to display the companies list and extract illustrative fields. Both are powered using the same response from the API
{ "api_version": "0.4", "results": { "company": { "name": "OPENCORPORATES LTD", "company_number": "07444723", "jurisdiction_code": "gb", "incorporation_date": "2010-11-18", "dissolution_date": null, "company_type": "Private Limited Company", "registry_url": "", "branch": null, "branch_status": null, "inactive": false, "current_status": "Active", "created_at": "2010-12-18T01:35:14+00:00", "updated_at": "2023-03-18T10:58:57+00:00", "retrieved_at": "2023-03-18T10:58:55+00:00", "opencorporates_url": "", "source": { "publisher": "UK Companies House", "url": "", "terms": "UK Crown Copyright", "retrieved_at": "2023-03-18T10:58:55+00:00" }, "agent_name": null, "agent_address": null, "alternative_names": [ ], "previous_names": [ { "company_name": "CHRINON LTD", "start_date": "2010-11-18", "end_date": "2018-05-21" } ], "number_of_employees": null, "native_company_number": null, "alternate_registration_entities": [ ], "previous_registration_entities": [ ], "subsequent_registration_entities": [ ], "registered_address_in_full": "Aston House\nCornwall Avenue, London, N3 1LF", "industry_codes": [ ], "identifiers": [ { "identifier": { "uid": "164331133", "identifier_system_code": "gb_vat", "identifier_system_name": "GB VAT Number" } } ], "trademark_registrations": [ ], "registered_address": { "street_address": "Aston House\nCornwall Avenue", "locality": "London", "region": null, "postal_code": "N3 1LF", "country": "United Kingdom" }, "corporate_groupings": [ { "corporate_grouping": { "name": "OpenCorporates", "wikipedia_id": "OpenCorporates", "opencorporates_url": "", "updated_at": "2023-04-14T08:35:13+00:00" } } ], "data": { "most_recent": [ { "datum": { "id": 3543751, "title": "Company Address", "data_type": "CompanyAddress", "description": "ASTON HOUSE, CORNWALL AVENUE, LONDON, N3 1LF, United Kingdom", "opencorporates_url": "" } }, { "datum": { "id": 3543750, "title": "UK Data Protection Register entry", "data_type": "OfficialRegisterEntry", "description": "register id: Z2465782", "opencorporates_url": "" } } ], "total_count": 2, "url": "" }, "financial_summary": { "source_url": "", "profit": null, "revenue": null, "cash_at_bank": null, "current_assets": [ { "date": "2017-11-30", "value": "814369" }, { "date": "2016-11-30", "value": "522863" } ], "current_liabilities": null, "accounts_date": "2017-11-30", "fixed_assets": [ { "date": "2017-11-30", "value": "27199" }, { "date": "2016-11-30", "value": "23755" } ], "accounts_type": null, "source_location": "/gb_companies_house/accounts/7/0/5/Prod223_2210_07444723_20171130.html", "currency": "GBP", "original_source": "" }, "home_company": null, "controlling_entity": null, "ultimate_beneficial_owners": [ { "ultimate_beneficial_owner": { "name": "Mr Christopher Taggart", "opencorporates_url": "" } }, { "ultimate_beneficial_owner": { "name": "Mr Christopher Taggart", "opencorporates_url": "" } } ], "ultimate_controlling_company": null, "filings": [ { "filing": { "id": 1471815138, "title": "Termination of appointment of secretary", "description": "Termination of appointment of Tannah Matus as a secretary on 2023-02-22", "uid": "MzM3MzEwNjE2OWFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "TM02", "filing_type_name": "Termination of appointment of secretary", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2023-03-17" } }, { "filing": { "id": 1471815135, "title": "Termination of appointment of director ", "description": "Termination of appointment of Sarah Arana-Morton as a director on 2023-01-31", "uid": "MzM3MzEwNjI5NGFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "TM01", "filing_type_name": "Termination of appointment of director ", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2023-03-17" } }, { "filing": { "id": 1358375226, "title": "Confirmation Statement", "description": "Confirmation statement made on 2022-11-06 with updates", "uid": "MzM1ODIyMDM0OWFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "CS01", "filing_type_name": "Confirmation Statement", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2022-11-11" } }, { "filing": { "id": 1357914753, "title": "Change of director's details", "description": "Director's details changed for Sarah Arana-Morton on 2022-11-04", "uid": "MzM1ODE1MTIwOGFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "CH01", "filing_type_name": "Change of director's details", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2022-11-10" } }, { "filing": { "id": 1340551665, "title": "Change of accounting reference date", "description": "Current accounting period extended from 2022-11-29 to 2022-12-31", "uid": "MzM1NTIyODc4OWFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "AA01", "filing_type_name": "Change of accounting reference date", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2022-10-14" } }, { "filing": { "id": 1306533120, "title": "Annual Accounts", "description": "Accounts for a small company made up to 2021-11-30", "uid": "MzM0OTkwNDU2MWFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "AA", "filing_type_name": "Annual Accounts", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2022-08-26" } }, { "filing": { "id": 1210764483, "title": "Appointment of director", "description": "Appointment of Ms Alessia Falsarone as a director on 2021-05-14", "uid": "MzMyODYxNTg5OGFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "AP01", "filing_type_name": "Appointment of director", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2022-02-02" } }, { "filing": { "id": 1210764486, "title": "Confirmation Statement", "description": "Confirmation statement made on 2021-11-06 with updates", "uid": "MzMyMjI0MTQzN2FkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "CS01", "filing_type_name": "Confirmation Statement", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2021-12-02" } }, { "filing": { "id": 1210764489, "title": "Appointment of secretary", "description": "Appointment of Mr Tannah Matus as a secretary on 2021-09-24", "uid": "MzMyMDYwNzY3MWFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "AP03", "filing_type_name": "Appointment of secretary", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2021-11-18" } }, { "filing": { "id": 1147717647, "title": "Annual Accounts", "description": "Accounts for a small company made up to 2020-11-30", "uid": "MzMxNTQ3NjU4OGFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "AA", "filing_type_name": "Annual Accounts", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2021-09-29" } }, { "filing": { "id": 1064640497, "title": "Change of director's details", "description": "Director's details changed for Julia Madelaine Apostle Lambertie on 2021-05-25", "uid": "MzMwMjEyMTY5NWFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "CH01", "filing_type_name": "Change of director's details", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2021-05-25" } }, { "filing": { "id": 1015470254, "title": "Appointment of director", "description": "Appointment of Julia Madelaine Apostle Lambertie as a director on 2021-03-01", "uid": "MzI5Mzk2NTQxOGFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "AP01", "filing_type_name": "Appointment of director", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2021-03-10" } }, { "filing": { "id": 963946111, "title": "Annual Accounts", "description": "Total exemption full accounts made up to 2019-11-30", "uid": "MzI4NDU3MzEwOWFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "AA", "filing_type_name": "Annual Accounts", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2020-11-27" } }, { "filing": { "id": 957220180, "title": "Confirmation Statement", "description": "Confirmation statement made on 2020-11-06 with updates", "uid": "MzI4MzAxMjgzMWFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "CS01", "filing_type_name": "Confirmation Statement", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2020-11-10" } }, { "filing": { "id": 951048733, "title": "Appointment of director", "description": "Appointment of Mr Oliver Ratzesberger as a director on 2020-09-30", "uid": "MzI4MDkzNTc3OGFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "AP01", "filing_type_name": "Appointment of director", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2020-10-19" } }, { "filing": { "id": 951048730, "title": "Appointment of director", "description": "Appointment of Sarah Arana-Morton as a 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"filing": { "id": 673696184, "title": "Annual Accounts", "description": "Total exemption full accounts made up to 2018-11-30", "uid": "MzI0MjkzMzk5MWFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "AA", "filing_type_name": "Annual Accounts", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2019-08-29" } }, { "filing": { "id": 584533123, "title": "Confirmation Statement", "description": "Confirmation statement made on 2018-11-18 with updates", "uid": "MzIyMjI1NjQ0MGFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "CS01", "filing_type_name": "Confirmation Statement", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2018-12-17" } }, { "filing": { "id": 567544323, "title": "Annual Accounts", "description": "Total exemption full accounts made up to 2017-11-30", "uid": "MzIxMzE2OTY4NGFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "AA", "filing_type_name": "Annual Accounts", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2018-08-30" } }, { "filing": { "id": 566996421, "title": "Give notice ceasing to be an individual person with 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"opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2018-05-21" } }, { "filing": { "id": 553882963, "title": "Filing dated 2018-05-21", "description": "Resolutions", "uid": "MzIwNTQyNTQ1MWFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "RESOLUTIONS", "filing_type_name": null, "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2018-05-21" } }, { "filing": { "id": 523190881, "title": "Confirmation Statement", "description": "Confirmation statement made on 2017-11-18 with no updates", "uid": "MzE5MTI4ODIwN2FkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "CS01", "filing_type_name": "Confirmation Statement", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2017-11-28" } }, { "filing": { "id": 498284203, "title": "Annual Accounts", "description": "Total exemption small company accounts made up to 2016-11-30", "uid": "MzE4NDAxMjk0OWFkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "AA", "filing_type_name": "Annual Accounts", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2017-08-29" } }, { "filing": { "id": 452452951, "title": "Confirmation Statement", "description": "Confirmation statement made on 2016-11-18 with updates", "uid": "MzE2NDA0NTA4N2FkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "CS01", "filing_type_name": "Confirmation Statement", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2016-12-09" } }, { "filing": { "id": 412509702, "title": "Annual Accounts", "description": "Total exemption small company accounts made up to 2015-11-30", "uid": "MzE1NTk5NTk1M2FkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "AA", "filing_type_name": "Annual Accounts", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2016-08-26" } }, { "filing": { "id": 299748940, "title": "Annual Return", "description": "Annual return made up to 2015-11-18 with full list of shareholders", "uid": "MzEzNTk1OTI5M2FkaXF6a2N4", "filing_type_code": "AR01", "filing_type_name": "Annual Return", "url": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "date": "2015-11-25" } } ], "officers": [ { "officer": { "id": 206814968, "name": "ROBERT MURRAY MCKINNON", "position": "director", "uid": null, "start_date": "2010-11-18", "end_date": "2011-03-17", "opencorporates_url": "", "occupation": "DIRECTOR", "inactive": true, "current_status": null, "address": "ASTON HOUSE CORNWALL AVENUE, LONDON, N3 1LF, UNITED KINGDOM", "nationality": "BRITISH", "date_of_birth": null } }, { "officer": { "id": 206814999, "name": "CHRISTOPHER TAGGART", "position": "director", "uid": null, "start_date": "2010-11-18", "end_date": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "occupation": "DEVELOPER", "inactive": null, "current_status": null, "address": "ASTON HOUSE CORNWALL AVENUE, LONDON, N3 1LF, UNITED KINGDOM", "nationality": "BRITISH", "date_of_birth": null } }, { "officer": { "id": 414997312, "name": "OLIVER RATZESBERGER", "position": "director", "uid": null, "start_date": "2020-09-30", "end_date": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "occupation": "DIRECTOR", "inactive": null, "current_status": null, "address": "ASTON HOUSE CORNWALL AVENUE, LONDON, N3 1LF, UNITED KINGDOM", "nationality": "AUSTRIAN", "date_of_birth": null } }, { "officer": { "id": 414997315, "name": "SARAH ARANA-MORTON", "position": "director", "uid": null, "start_date": "2020-09-30", "end_date": "2023-01-31", "opencorporates_url": "", "occupation": "CEO", "inactive": true, "current_status": null, "address": "ASTON HOUSE CORNWALL AVENUE, LONDON, N3 1LF, UNITED KINGDOM", "nationality": "BRITISH", "date_of_birth": null } }, { "officer": { "id": 447024971, "name": "JULIA MADELAINE APOSTLE LAMBERTIE", "position": "director", "uid": null, "start_date": "2021-03-01", "end_date": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "occupation": "DIRECTOR", "inactive": null, "current_status": null, "address": "ASTON HOUSE CORNWALL AVENUE, LONDON, N3 1LF, UNITED KINGDOM", "nationality": "BRITISH", "date_of_birth": null } }, { "officer": { "id": 612828297, "name": "TANNAH MATUS", "position": "secretary", "uid": null, "start_date": "2021-09-24", "end_date": "2023-02-22", "opencorporates_url": "", "occupation": null, "inactive": true, "current_status": null, "address": "ASTON HOUSE CORNWALL AVENUE, LONDON, N3 1LF, UNITED KINGDOM", "nationality": null, "date_of_birth": null } }, { "officer": { "id": 624832563, "name": "ALESSIA FALSARONE", "position": "director", "uid": null, "start_date": "2021-05-14", "end_date": null, "opencorporates_url": "", "occupation": "MANAGING DIRECTOR", "inactive": null, "current_status": null, "address": "ASTON HOUSE CORNWALL AVENUE, LONDON, N3 1LF, UNITED KINGDOM", "nationality": "AMERICAN", "date_of_birth": null } } ] } } }
demo@oc % node company_details.js --api_token xxxxxxxxx --jurisdiction_code gb --company_number 07444723 Company Number: '07444723' Company Jurisdiction Code: 'gb' Using API Key: xxxxxxxxx Request URL: xxxxxxxxx Company Details ┌─────────┬────────────────┬──────────────────────┬───────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────┐ │ (index) │ company_number │ name │ jurisdiction_code │ opencorporates_url │ incorporation_date │ ├─────────┼────────────────┼──────────────────────┼───────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │ 0 │ '07444723' │ 'OPENCORPORATES LTD' │ 'gb' │ '' │ '2010-11-18' │ └─────────┴────────────────┴──────────────────────┴───────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴────────────────────┘ Company Officers ┌─────────┬───────────┬─────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────┐ │ (index) │ id │ name │ nationality │ occupation │ start_date │ end_date │ ├─────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────┼─────────────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────┤ │ 0 │ 206814968 │ 'ROBERT MURRAY MCKINNON' │ 'BRITISH' │ 'DIRECTOR' │ '2010-11-18' │ '2011-03-17' │ │ 1 │ 206814999 │ 'CHRISTOPHER TAGGART' │ 'BRITISH' │ 'DEVELOPER' │ '2010-11-18' │ null │ │ 2 │ 414997312 │ 'OLIVER RATZESBERGER' │ 'AUSTRIAN' │ 'DIRECTOR' │ '2020-09-30' │ null │ │ 3 │ 414997315 │ 'SARAH ARANA-MORTON' │ 'BRITISH' │ 'CEO' │ '2020-09-30' │ '2023-01-31' │ │ 4 │ 447024971 │ 'JULIA MADELAINE APOSTLE LAMBERTIE' │ 'BRITISH' │ 'DIRECTOR' │ '2021-03-01' │ null │ │ 5 │ 612828297 │ 'TANNAH MATUS' │ null │ null │ '2021-09-24' │ '2023-02-22' │ │ 6 │ 624832563 │ 'ALESSIA FALSARONE' │ 'AMERICAN' │ 'MANAGING DIRECTOR' │ '2021-05-14' │ null │ └─────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────┘ Company Beneficial Owners ┌─────────┬──────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ (index) │ name │ opencorporates_url │ ├─────────┼──────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ 0 │ 'Mr Christopher Taggart' │ '' │ │ 1 │ 'Mr Christopher Taggart' │ '' │ └─────────┴──────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Company Filings ┌─────────┬────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬──────────────┐ │ (index) │ id │ title │ date │ ├─────────┼────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────┤ │ 0 │ 1471815138 │ 'Termination of appointment of secretary' │ '2023-03-17' │ │ 1 │ 1471815135 │ 'Termination of appointment of director ' │ '2023-03-17' │ │ 2 │ 1358375226 │ 'Confirmation Statement' │ '2022-11-11' │ │ 3 │ 1357914753 │ "Change of director's details" │ '2022-11-10' │ │ 4 │ 1340551665 │ 'Change of accounting reference date' │ '2022-10-14' │ │ 5 │ 1306533120 │ 'Annual Accounts' │ '2022-08-26' │ │ 6 │ 1210764483 │ 'Appointment of director' │ '2022-02-02' │ │ 7 │ 1210764486 │ 'Confirmation Statement' │ '2021-12-02' │ │ 8 │ 1210764489 │ 'Appointment of secretary' │ '2021-11-18' │ │ 9 │ 1147717647 │ 'Annual Accounts' │ '2021-09-29' │ │ 10 │ 1064640497 │ "Change of director's details" │ '2021-05-25' │ │ 11 │ 1015470254 │ 'Appointment of director' │ '2021-03-10' │ │ 12 │ 963946111 │ 'Annual Accounts' │ '2020-11-27' │ │ 13 │ 957220180 │ 'Confirmation Statement' │ '2020-11-10' │ │ 14 │ 951048733 │ 'Appointment of director' │ '2020-10-19' │ │ 15 │ 951048730 │ 'Appointment of director' │ '2020-10-19' │ │ 16 │ 709080889 │ 'Confirmation Statement' │ '2019-11-06' │ │ 17 │ 709080892 │ 'Give notice of change of details for relevant legal entity with significant control' │ '2019-10-22' │ │ 18 │ 673696184 │ 'Annual Accounts' │ '2019-08-29' │ │ 19 │ 584533123 │ 'Confirmation Statement' │ '2018-12-17' │ │ 20 │ 567544323 │ 'Annual Accounts' │ '2018-08-30' │ │ 21 │ 566996421 │ 'Give notice ceasing to be an individual person with significant control' │ '2018-06-06' │ │ 22 │ 566996420 │ 'Give notice of relevant legal entity with significant control' │ '2018-06-06' │ │ 23 │ 553882964 │ 'Filing dated 2018-05-21' │ '2018-05-21' │ │ 24 │ 553882963 │ 'Filing dated 2018-05-21' │ '2018-05-21' │ │ 25 │ 523190881 │ 'Confirmation Statement' │ '2017-11-28' │ │ 26 │ 498284203 │ 'Annual Accounts' │ '2017-08-29' │ │ 27 │ 452452951 │ 'Confirmation Statement' │ '2016-12-09' │ │ 28 │ 412509702 │ 'Annual Accounts' │ '2016-08-26' │ │ 29 │ 299748940 │ 'Annual Return' │ '2015-11-25' │ └─────────┴────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴──────────────┘