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  3. Why has a record been temporarily redacted?

Why has a record been temporarily redacted?


In keeping with our public mission, our public records database is intended to be an accurate account of company data as reflected on official public company registries. 

If we are informed that a public company register has removed (or has limited access to) certain information about a person concerned with a company due to exceptional circumstances (for example, because of a serious risk to personal safety and/or concerns relating to fraud or identity theft), we will update the OpenCorporates records to reflect the registry accordingly.

We can also carry out our temporary redaction procedure to redact the information while the official public record is being changed. Temporary redaction normally lasts for 4 weeks, after which the information will once again become visible.

Please see our Public Records Privacy Policy for more details.

If you are a data subject and would like more details about your rights, please click here.

Updated on September 8, 2023
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