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Bulk Files Explained

Data is delivered in 5 separate thematic files

  • Companies: general company data and information about branches, current status, registered address, significant dates, industry codes, latest accounts
  • Officers: general officer data and information about addresses and significant dates
  • Non-Registered Addresses: company addresses other than the registered address
  • Alternative Names: Names other than the officially registered name are presented here.The type of name will be defined if we can identify it (e.g. doing-business-as name, trade name etc).
  • Additional Identifiers: Some corporate registries provide multiple identifiers. By collecting and presenting these identifiers, we aim to make entity resolution easier

File Sizes

North America28274
Rest Of World4524n/a*
File sizes are expressed in Gigabytes (gb) estimates

OC does not currently export a file solely for ROW NRAs. However, NRAs for jurisdictions in the ROW region are included in the Global NRAs file

Data Dictionaries

See data dictionary for full structure and content details

Updated on August 16, 2024
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