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Data Dictionary: Relationships

Field NameField Description
relationship_typeOne of the four types of relationship data object OpenCorporates maintains: control statement, subsidiary, branch, share_parcel.
oc_relationship_identifierOpencorporates’ internal identifier (i.e. database ID) for the data object representing the relationship
subject_entity_nameName of the subject entity
subject_entity_company_numberCompany number of the subject entity
subject_entity_jurisdiction_codeJurisdiction code of the subject entity
object_entity_nameName of the object entity
object_entity_company_numberCompany number of the object entity
object_entity_jurisdiction_codeJurisdiction code of the object entity
percentage_min_share_ownershipWhere the control relationship has a control mechanism of “share_ownership”, this field shows the minimum possible ownership percentage held in the object entity by the subject entity. Only relevant for control relationships.
percentage_max_share_ownershipWhere the control relationship has a control mechanism of “share_ownership”, this field shows the maximum possible ownership percentage held in the object entity by the subject entity. Only relevant for control relationships.
percentage_min_voting_rightsWhere the control relationship has a control mechanism of “voting_rights”, this field shows the minimum possible voting percentage held in the object entity by the subject entity. Only relevant for control relationships.
percentage_max_voting_rightsWhere the control relationship has a control mechanism of “voting_rights”, this field shows the maximum possible voting percentage held in the object entity by the subject entity. Only relevant for control relationships.
number_of_sharesThe number of shares in the object entity held by the subject entity.Only relevant for share_parcel relationships.
start_date_typeOne of “at”, “before”, or “after”. Used to refine the start_date field.
start_dateOpenCorproates’ best estimate of when the relationship began.
end_date_typeOne of “at”, “before”, or “after”. Used to refine the end_date field.
end_dateOur best estimate of when the relationship ended.
created_atWhen Opencorporates first became aware of this relationship.
updated_atWhen Opencorporates last updated any details on this relationship record.
Updated on August 16, 2024
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