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Data Dictionary: Officers

Field NameformatField DescriptionField-level notes
idIntegerInternal OpenCorporates ID for officershipMandatory
company_numberString – varchar(128)company numberMandatory. FK to Companies
jurisdiction_codeString – varchar(8)Code for the jurisdiction (lowercase, underscore version of ISO 3166-2 code). List of jurisdiction codes and the names of the jurisdictions is available at https://api.opencorporates.com/jurisdictionsMandatory. FK to Companies
nameString – varchar(2000)Full name of the officerMandatory
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Title of the office, e.g. “Mr” 
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
First name of officer 
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Last name of the officer. In the case of corporate officers, the name of the company will appear in this field
positionString – varchar(1000)Position held 
start_dateDate (YYYY-MM-DD)Start date of officership 
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Companies House uid for the person (i.e. individual), including address change counter. e.g. 204942900001 has a counter of “0001”. This number is incremented when the address changes. This number is not a unique uid for individuals, as the address counter may be different for the person for the different companies they are associated withApplies to UK data only
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Derived person uid from the person_number. Individuals with the same person uid (e.g. “20494290”) are asserted by Companies House to be the same personApplies to UK data only
end_dateDate (YYYY-MM-DD)End date of officership 
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Status of the officership as reported by the company register (if given)
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Occupation of director if given 
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Nationality of director 
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Country of Residence of the officer 
partial_date_of_birthPartial Date (YYYY-MM)Partial date of birth, e.g. “1974-04” 
typeEnumPerson or “Company” or null 
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Contact address of the director 
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Street address portion of contact address (where available from source)
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Locality (e.g. City) portion of contact address (where available from source)
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Region (e.g. County) portion of contact address (where available from source)
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Postcode portion of contact address (where available from source)
Size limit – see Addtl Info sheet – Note [1]
Country portion of contact address (where available from source)
retrieved_atDatetime (ISO 8601)Datetime the record was retrieved from the official sourceMandatory
source_urlString – text
URL of the page for the officer on the official corporate register
Updated on April 25, 2023
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